Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Beginning iOS 5 Development: Exploring the iOS SDK

Book Description

December 7, 2011 1430236051 978-1430236054 1

The team that brought you the bestselling Beginning iPhone 4 Development is back again for Beginning iOS 5 Development, bringing this definitive guide up-to-date with Apple's latest and greatest iOS SDK, as well as with the latest version of Xcode.

There's coverage of brand new technologies, with chapters on storyboards and iCloud, for example, as well as significant updates to existing chapters to bring them in line with all the changes that came with the iOS 5 SDK. You'll have everything you need to create your very own apps for the latest iOS devices, including the iPhone 4S, iPad 2, and the latest iPod touch. Every single sample program in the book has been rebuilt from scratch using Xcode 4.2 and the latest iOS 5-specific project templates and designed to take advantage of the latest Xcode features.

Assuming only a minimal working knowledge of Objective-C, and written in a friendly, easy-to-follow style, Beginning iOS 5 Development offers a complete soup-to-nuts course in iPhone, iPad, and iPod touch programming. The book starts with the basics, walking through the process of downloading and installing Xcode and the iOS 5 SDK, and then guides you though the creation of your first simple application.

From there, you’ll learn how to integrate all the interface elements Apple touch users have come to know and love, such as buttons, switches, pickers, toolbars, and sliders. You’ll master a variety of design patterns, from the simplest single view to complex hierarchical drill-downs. The confusing art of table building will be demystified, and you’ll learn how to save your data using the iPhone file system. You’ll also learn how to save and retrieve your data using a variety of persistence techniques, including Core Data and SQLite. And there’s much more! You’ll learn to draw using Quartz 2D and OpenGL ES, add multitouch gestural support (pinches and swipes) to your applications, and work with the camera, photo library, accelerometer, and built-in GPS. You’ll discover the fine points of application preferences and learn how to localize your apps for multiple languages.
  • The iOS 5 update to the bestselling and most recommended book for Cocoa touch developers
  • Packed full of tricks, techniques, and enthusiasm for the new SDK from a developer perspective
  • Written in an accessible, easy-to-follow style

What you’ll learn

  • Everything you need to know to develop your own bestselling iPhone and iPad apps
  • Best practices for optimizing your code and delivering great user experiences
  • How to create “universal” apps for both the iPhone and iPad
  • What is data persistence and why is it important
  • Get started with building cool, crisp User Interfaces
  • What and how to use Table Views
  • How to do graphics with Quartz and OpenGL ES
  • What geo app development features the new iOS 5 brings to the iPhone 4S
  • How to get your app in iCloud
  • And much much more...

Who this book is for

Everyone who wants to start developing for iPhone, iPod touch, and iPad!
For the latest sourcecode, please head to

Table of Contents

  1. Welcome to the Jungle
  2. Appeasing the Tiki Gods
  3. Handling Basic Interaction
  4. More User Interface Fun
  5. Autorotation and Autosizing
  6. Multiview Applications
  7. Tab Bars and Pickers
  8. Introduction to Table Views
  9. Navigation Controllers and Table Views
  10. iPad Considerations
  11. Application Settings and User Defaults
  12. Basic Data Persistence
  13. Get Your App in the iCloud
  14. Grand Central Dispatch, Background Processing, and You
  15. Drawing with Quartz and OpenGL
  16. Taps, Touches, and Gestures
  17. Where Am I? Finding Your Way with Core Location
  18. Whee! Gyro and Accelerometer!
  19. iPhone Camera and Photo Library
  20. Application Localization
  21. Where to Next? 

Product Details

    Ancient Secret of The Fountain of Youth

    Book Description

    January 20, 1998
    Legend has it that hidden in the remote reaches of the Himalayan mountains lies a secret that would have saved Ponce de Leon from years of fruitless searching. There, generations of Tibetan monks have passed down a series of exercises with mystical, age-reversing properties. Known as the Tibetan Rites of Rejuvenation or the Five Rites, these once-secret exercises are now available to Westerners in Ancient Secret of the Fountain Of Youth. Peter Kelder's book begins with an account of his own introduction to the rites by way of Colonel Bradford, a mysterious retired British army officer who learned of the rites while journeying high up in the Himalayas. Fountain of Youth then offers practical instructions for each of the five rites, which resemble yoga postures. Taking just minutes a day to perform, the benefits for practitioners have included increased energy, weight loss, better memory, new hair growth, pain relief, better digestion, and just feeling younger.

    Product Details

    Tuesday, February 28, 2012

    Artificial Intelligience: A Modern Approach (Second Edition)

    December 30, 2002
    For one or two-semester, undergraduate or graduate-level courses in Artificial Intelligence. The long-anticipated revision of this best-selling text offers the most comprehensive, up-to-date introduction to the theory and practice of artificial intelligence. Click on "Features" tab below for more information Resources: Visit the author's website to access both student and instructor resources including Power Point slides, syllabus. homework and exams, and solutions text problems.

    Product Details


    Fundamental Datebase System 4th edition

    July 23, 2003 
    Fundamentals of Database Systems has become the world-wide leading textbook because it combines clear explanations of theory and design, broad coverage of models and real systems, and excellent examples with up-to-date introductions and modern database technologies. This book has been revised and updated to reflect the latest trends in technological and application development. This fourth edition expands on many of the most popular database topics, including SQL, security, and data mining along with an introduction to UML modeling and an entirely new chapter on XML and Internet databases.

    Product Details


    Japanese phrasebook

    Lonely Planet, 01-Dec-1989 - 125 pages
    For those interested in learning to speak basic Japanese, this guide introduces all the important phrases one needs during common situations. Ideal for both vacationers and business travelers, Japanese Phrasebook includes sections on greetings, accomodation, small talk, getting around the city and country, shopping, and more.


    • Introduction
    • Pronunciation
    • Grammar
    • Greetings & Civilities
    • Small Talk
    • Accommodation
    • Getting Around
    • In The Country
    • Food
    • Shopping
    • Health
    • Time & Dates
    • Numbers
    • Vocabulary

    Хангайн бор + Хөвчийн бор

    Зохиолч Б.Баастын "Хангайн бор", "Хөвчийн бор" гэвэл цуврал номыг толилуулж байна. Монгол анчин хүний ухаан, амьтны төрөлхийн зөн билэг, хүн амьтны тэмцэл, Хангайн бор хэмээх сүрлэг том чонын тухай өгүүлэх гайхамшигтай номууд юм.

    Энэ зураг дээрх шиг аварга чоныг Монголчууд Хангайн бор гэж нэрлэгдэг билээ.

    Хар нүх ба шинэ ертөнц (Монгол хэлээр)

    Хар нүхний тухай хийсэн нээлтээрээ алдартай болсон Стефен Хаукины намтар, хар нүхний тухай түүний нээлтүүд, ирээдүйн физикийн шинжлэх ухааны хөгжил, дэлхийн үүсэл гэх мэт сонирхолтой сэдвүүдээр физикийн ямар ч томьёо оруулалгүйгээр (E=mc^2-ийг эс тооцвол) маш энгийн хэллэгээр бичсэн ном юм.

    Complete Idiots Guide to Learning German on Your Own

    Product Description

    You're no idiot. You've mastered one of the trickiest languages on earth, English. You've trained your German shepherd, you cook strudel like a hausfrau, and you drive a Volkswagen with ease. But when you enven think about conjugating a German verb or asking for directions in the Black Forest, you feel like a Dummkoph. Don't despair! The Complete Idiot's Guide to Learning German on Your Own gives you the help you need to begin speaking German today. Using the exercises and examples in this book, you'll soon be speaking German like a native. In this Complete Idiot's Guide you get:


    This format is a natural for an intimidating subject such as German, offering first-time learners and re-learners idiot-proof methods on how to pronounce difficult words, unravel daunting grammar, construct sentences, and even understand German culture. Sections on travel and games make absorbing the language fun and prepare travelers for their big trek abroad.

    Monday, February 27, 2012

    Jonathan Livingston Seagull (Монгол)

    Хүсэл мөрөөдлийнхөө төлөө тэмцсэн Жонатан Ливинстон хэмээх цахлай хэрхэн мөрөөдлийнхөө төлөө тэмцэж түүндээ хүрч чадсан тухай гарна. Танд энэхүү цахлайнаас сурах олон зүйл байгаа гэдэгт итгэж байна.

    Saturday, February 25, 2012

    Astronomical Algorithms

    Product Details

    Saturday, February 11, 2012

    Рубикын шоо эвлүүлэх гарын авлага

    Анх тавдугаар ангид байхад аав, ээж хоёр захаас рубикын шоо авч өгч байлаа. Шууд аваад л эргүүлээд, тойруулаад л, мушгиад л ерөөсөө эвлэрэхгүй. Аав болохоор хэд мушгиад л эвлүүлчих нь. Би ч өдөржингөө оролдоод лав бараагүй. Тэгээд бүүр сүүлдээ шоогоо нэг нэгээр нь задалж байгаад хөөрхөн эвлүүлээд угсарчих нь. Тэгээд л машины тос үнэртүүлсэн гараараа өнөөх шоогоо бахархалтай нь аргагүй үзүүлээд л... хэхэ. 

    Дараа нь харин Математик сонин дээр эвлүүлдэг арга нь байхыг хараад нэг сурч билээ. Ангидаа шоогоо авчраад эвлүүлж үзүүлнэ. Тэгсэн маргаашаас бүгд л шоотой болчхож. За, тэгээд л би гэдэг хүн зааж өгнө дөө. "Томъёогоо, цээжилсэн нь үү? Баруун тийш нэмэх 90 хэм, доод талыг нь хасах 270 хэм" гээд л. Математик сонин өнцгийн тухай жишээ авахдаа рубикын шоог эвлүүлэх аргыг авсан юм байна лээ. 

    Саяхан харин нэг оролдсон чинь бүүр таг мартчихсан байна лээ. Юун томъёо энэ тэр, хаха. Тэгээд жаал оролдож байгаад барахгүйгээ мэдээд шууд л нетээс хайж байгаад нэг гоё ном оллоо. Тэгээд нэг яаж эвлүүлдгээ саналаа. Сонирхвол тэр номоо татахаар тавилаа. Нэг оролдоод үз.

    Дэлхийн дээд амжилтыг Австралийн тамирчин Феликс Земдегс 5.66 секундээр үзүүлж Гиннессийн номонд бичигдсэн юм байна. Оролдоод үз. Энэ амжилтыг эвдчих ч юм билүү.